
侯夫云, 董顺旭, 解备涛, 李爱贤, 王庆美*
山东省农业科学院作物研究所, 农业部黄淮海薯类科学观测实验站, 济南250100

通信作者:王庆美;E-mail: wang-qm@163.com

摘 要:

本研究以萌芽性差异较大的3个甘薯(Ipomoea batatas)品种为材料, 进行排种密度及排种方式差异育苗, 研究薯块萌芽过程中薯块干物质、可溶性糖、蛋白质和内源激素含量等动态变化规律对萌芽性的影响, 结果表明: 在萌芽过程中, 薯块干物质含量降低, 可溶性糖含量升高; 萌芽性好的品种‘济薯25’适宜稀排, 萌芽性差的品种‘济紫薯1号’、‘济薯18’适宜密排; 在稀排育苗条件下, ‘济薯25’块根尾部生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA3)含量显著高于其他部位, 尾部脱落酸(ABA)含量显著低于顶部和中部; 在密排育苗条件下, ‘济紫薯1号’、‘济薯18’块根顶端IAA含量显著高于中部和尾部。因此, 甘薯块根的萌芽性不仅与其干物质、蛋白质、可溶性糖含量相关, 还与其块根内不同部位的内源激素含量紧密相关。

关键词:萌芽性; 干物质含量; 可溶性糖含量; 内源激素含量; 排种

收稿:2017-03-08   修定:2017-04-10


Effect of root density on germination characteristics of sweetpotato

HOU Fu-Yun, DONG Shun-Xu, XIE Bei-Tao, LI Ai-Xian, WANG Qing-Mei*
Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Scientific Observing and Experimental Station of Tuber and Root Crops in Huang-Huai-Hai Region, Ministry of Agriculture, Jinan 250100, China

Corresponding author: WANG Qing-Mei; E-mail: wang-qm@163.com


To measure changes of root germinating characters, dry matter content, soluble sugar content, protein content and endogenous hormone content during germinating under different root arrangement densities, three sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivars with different germinations were used as materials in this study. The results show that decreased dry matter content and increased soluble sugar content occurred in root germinating. Cultivar ‘Jishu 25’ with good germination is suitable for root arrangement by sparse row, while cultivar ‘Jizishu No. 1’ and ‘Jishu 18’ with poor germinations are suitable for root arrangement by dense row. Under root arrangement for sparse row, indole-3-acetic (IAA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) contents in the tail of ‘Jishu 25’ root were significantly higher than those of other parts, its abscisic acid (ABA) content was significantly lower than those of other parts. Under root arrangement for dense row, IAA contents in the tops of ‘Jizishu No. 1’ and ‘Jishu 18’ roots were significantly higher than those of the middle and tail parts. Therefore, root germination is not only related with dry matter, protein and soluble sugar contents, but also with its endogenous hormone content in different parts of root.

Key words: germination; dry matter content; soluble sugar content; endogenous hormone content; root arrangement

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